Tuesday 22 November 2011

[JB] Feedback from Rough Cut

Today, Group 1 Productions presented a rough cut of our music video to the rest of the class. We gained some insightful feedback as to how we could improve our video, and what direction we should be taking as of today.

Generally, the feedback was that we need to simply place more footage onto the timeline. At the moment, we have been held up by a series of technological difficulties which have hindered our progress, and as a result of this we deem it necessary to put in any extra hours we can to catch up. It is necessary for the timeline to be filled up to at least 50% by the end of our Thursday lesson, so that we can gain further feedback as to how the footage could be rearranged and placed in a better layout.

It wasn't all negative feedback, however; we were informed that the colours in our performance shots - as well as the framing of them - worked very well. We received constructive criticism which suggested that we include more guitar performance shots.

We discussed the possibilities of us placing some of our Brighton reccie footage onto the timeline to see how it would work in context with the other locations. We will attempt this and review it.
We may even use chroma-keying as a technique to place this footage behind some of the performance shots, and experiment with such possibilities.

On my Friday afternoon I intend to visit Dunorlan Park again to carry out some point-of-view filming of the paths and the park in general, to give us further footage to work with on the timeline.

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