Friday 2 December 2011

[GROUP] Construction Completed

Our project is finished and above is the result. 

How have you met the brief in producing this music video?

The brief was to create a promotional campagin for a song, with a music video as the main product alongside ansillary texts. We have achieved this through the use of 'meat' shots and generation of a star image in order to promote the band. Similarly, we implemented Richard Dyer's paradoxes through the T-shirts and editing to create an incomplete and incoherent star image that creates enigma for the audience, enticing them to buy the track.

Outline the strengths of the production.
We feel that the strengths of our production are in the humour, seemingly random but interesting shots and re-watchability.

What areas could be improved or are a weakness?
We think that our performance could have been improved by a better eye for mise-en-scene, a more energetic and passionate performance and perhaps a better location. Unfortunatetly, time restraints required us to use the drama studio instead of the outside location we initially planned and got permission to film at.

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