Wednesday 19 October 2011

[DF] Digipak/Advertisment Ideas

Album Artworks

Lower Than Atlantis - 'World Record'

How is the band/artist represented?
The band is represented as ordinary, working class and plain. This gives them a relatable band image which continues their metanarrative, as they were similarly represented in their previous album, and the lead singer talks a lot about his working class upbringing and job before he became a musician. In terms of Dyer's paradoxes, they are present in name and in symbolised band image, but are simultaneously absent in that no band member is actually seen, and it is in black and white. This black and white effect also serves to make the image 'extraordinary', but at the same time the plain, realistic hands bring the artwork into a more ordinary light.

What visual techniques are used?
Black and white colour is used to give a more bleak image, fitting in with the album's content. Rule of thirds is also used, with each hand a third away from their respective edges.

Emancipator - 'Soon It Will Be Cold Enough'

How is the band/artist represented?
The artist is represented as an ambient artist, with the album intending to sound like winter. The black and white with a snowy picture gives this impression. The artist is absent from the picture in all but name and style (ambient) and similarly the black and white creates an extraordinary look, while the picture itself shows a few trees with nothing special about them, creating a simultaneously ordinary image.

What visual techniques are used?
Black and white is the main technique used. This is done to empahsise the white of the snow, thereby enhancing the cold feeling.

Bowling For Soup - 'Drunk Enough To Dance'

How is the band/artist represented?
The band is represented as young, fun-loving, non-serious and jokingly self-deprecating. Their quirky facial expressions and non-verbal language display this view, and they are shown as self-deprecating in that the bassist is shown to be too big to fit in one box - joking about his weight. These traits make the band seem ordinary in terms of Dyer's paradoxes, however the suits and boxes make them extraordinary in a sense. Similarly, the suits make them seem absent, despite being present in person.

What visual techniques are used?
The black and white background with the red boxes on top makes the band members stand out as the focus of the album cover. 


Paramore - 'Brand New Eyes'

How is the band/artist represented?
The band is represented as young, average people. Their clothes are ordinary, fitting with Dyer's paradox, and yet the background makes it seem more extraordinary. Similarly, the background makes the band feel abesent by putting them in a surreal location, however the band is still there and so are simultaneously present. The lead singer is given brighter clothes than the rest of the band, making her stand out. This fits with their metanarrative in that most people know the band for Hayley Williams - she is a key part of their band image.

What visual techniques are used?
Part of the album cover is imposed over the top of the image, relating the advertisment to it. Similarly, the use of colour associates the poster with the album, as orange is prominant on its artwork. Costume is used to differentiate the band members from the lead singer, who is wearing white while the others wear dark reds and blacks.

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